MOMA – Break with Heart
Finally traveling again. Finally New York again. And for someone crazy about art like me: finally visiting the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) again.
Some can spend hours there, but I can’t. I stroll through the halls and stop again and again to dive deep into a detail, a technique or the overall composition. It brings me joy and at the same time it costs me endless amounts of energy.
After a while, I need a break to process all the impressions and head to the café on the roof of the MOMA. How I look forward to the wonderful view! Less wonderful: the crowds of people upon my arrival. My timing is bad: it’s lunchtime and many visitors had the same idea…
I secure the last free seat on the terrace (there are three times as many seats inside, but who wants to sit inside?) and expect a grumpy “only outside if you order something to eat” in response. While I “only” order a cup of coffee, I apologize in the same sentence for not ordering anything to eat.
Louise, the server, laughs hoarsely and says, “of course dear, anything you want, no need to feel sorry!” And I notice how relieved I am that I am welcome here just as I am. The often still prevalent “outside-only-pitcher” mentality in Germany I had presumed to be the same here.
My conclusion: Every service aims to leave customers with a good feeling. This is fully accomplished by Louise. The warm, slightly quirky nature of hers is so genuine and natural, without any plastic service smiles. I love it!
Thanks to our service hero Louise! (whose photo I would have loved to publish here)