Welcome to the World of Masters of Service

We turn your employees and customers into fans of your brand.
A (working) world we love!

We believe in a work environment where employees are valuable members of an organization, in terms of financial added value, as well as how they interact with clients, colleagues and partners.

Too idealistic? That’s how we are.

It works. We have been celebrating the success of our clients for more than 15 years and will celebrate yours with you as well!

Service quality and coaching in hamburg

Service quality – frequently asked questions / what our clients want to know

With the support of your entire leadership team we can get started, as great service originates from great leadership.

Great leadership leads to high employee loyalty.
High employee loyalty leads to high client loyalty.

What is the process? We thoroughly examine the contact points with your clients, as well as your employees and partners. Together, we carefully and precisely define what the ideal service experience in your company should look like.

Not only will we be by your side conceptually, but also with great passion and commitment in coaching your employees. We will develop practical answers to the question: “Starting today, what can I do better, or differently, or maybe take a completely new approach, to become more successful, both individually, as well as for the benefit of the company?”

More about service quality + coaching

We take a close look at your everyday dealings with clients: What is your clients’ experience?

Which service processes have you already systemized? Which ones are haphazardly?

What stops your employees from providing better service? How could those barriers be removed?

By exploring these questions, we can develop a tangible plan that strengthens your company culture, and will lead to a new high level of service orientation through commitment and consistent implementation.

More about service quality + committed employees

First and foremost, we carefully listen to you and immerse ourselves into your business. In which customer segment do you lose the most clients? What do your former clients state were the reasons they left? And most importantly, at which point (oder: customer interface?) did you lose your clients?

Our experiences and worldwide studies about clients show, that in the service industry the most often cited reason is poor or inadequate service. Most of the time, the primary reason behind that, however, is lack of client loyalty, or processes that were not considered from the client’s perspective.

In cooperation with you, we bring these neuralgic points into light and develop a sustainable service concept with you for you.

What you need: time and tenacy.
Because long-lasting success requires almost always a change in inner attitude, which leads to positive behavioral changes for a growing service culture.

Top service leads to client loyalty – the best marketing strategy. And profit increases.

More about service quality + client loyalty

To improve service, we offer coaching sessions with your employees.

We observe your client contact points directly onsite. How do you communicate in writing and in person, how do you and your team ask questions? And most importantly, how are the interactions internally?

In cooperation with you we develop specific solutions that often can be tried out and implemented immediately.

You’ll receive tips, ideas, and best practice, and we’ll share success stories and applicable experiences from various industries.

More about service quality + client loyalty